Title: Mine
Series: Beautiful Sinner Series #3
Author: Elena M. Reyes
Genre: Romantic Suspense/Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 27, 2020
I'm the truth my queen will never escape.
Thiago Rivera De Leon doesn't believe in second chances, and I never show mercy to those stupid enough to cross me. Loyalty wins you favors, but trying to overthrow the city’s king will find you with one of my bullets between the eyes.
A simple promise I always keep while abiding by two rules:
I don't forgive. I don't forget.
And after spending the last five years behind bars, I'm out with two goals in mind...
Kill the bastards responsible.
Reclaim my Luna.
Elena M. Reyes is the epitome of a Floridian and if she could live in her beloved flip-flops, she would.
As a small child, she was always intrigued by all forms of art: whether it was dancing to island rhythms, or painting with any medium she could get her hands on. Her passion for reading over the years has amassed her with hours of pleasure, but it wasn't until she stumbled upon fanfiction that her thirst to write overtook her world.
She's a short and sassy Latina with an adorable pup, a kiddo that keeps her on her toes, and a husband who claims she'll cause him to go bald prematurely. Lol
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The beautiful sinners series is absolutely amazing! Elena Reyes is an amazing and talented writer who always out does herself on each and every book she writes. The way she makes her characters come to life is mesmerizing , and draws you in so easily. I can read her books over and over again, and never get bored , because the storyline is just so good! This is book 3 of the series, make sure you read all of them! Definitely worth reading!