

Title: Mine
Series: Beautiful Sinner Series #3
Author: Elena M. Reyes
Genre: Romantic Suspense/Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 27, 2020
In Miami, I’m royalty. The beginning and the end.
I'm the truth my queen will never escape.
Thiago Rivera De Leon doesn't believe in second chances, and I never show mercy to those stupid enough to cross me. Loyalty wins you favors, but trying to overthrow the city’s king will find you with one of my bullets between the eyes.
A simple promise I always keep while abiding by two rules:
I don't forgive. I don't forget.
And after spending the last five years behind bars, I'm out with two goals in mind...
Kill the bastards responsible.
Reclaim my Luna.
Elena M. Reyes is the epitome of a Floridian and if she could live in her beloved flip-flops, she would.
As a small child, she was always intrigued by all forms of art: whether it was dancing to island rhythms, or painting with any medium she could get her hands on. Her passion for reading over the years has amassed her with hours of pleasure, but it wasn't until she stumbled upon fanfiction that her thirst to write overtook her world. She's a short and sassy Latina with an adorable pup, a kiddo that keeps her on her toes, and a husband who claims she'll cause him to go bald prematurely. Lol

Hosted by Enticing Journey Book Promotions 


The beautiful sinners  series is absolutely amazing! Elena Reyes is an amazing and talented writer who always out does herself on each and every book she writes. The way she makes her characters come to life is mesmerizing , and draws you in so easily. I can read her books over and over again, and never get bored , because the storyline is just so good! This is book 3 of the series, make sure you read all of them! Definitely worth reading!



Bloggers only Giveaway!

Hello Bloggers!!! This is truly been a busy time this year. I wanted to just take up a moment of your time. I know it is valuable. Being a blogger is work! Anyways, we do appreciate you guys way more then we can ever repay. We do want you to know how much we appreciate everything you do for the Indie world! You rock! We would like to thank you for this by offering a giveaway exclusive for bloggers as well.

That being said, I wanted to talk to you about Author Adele Niles. Her Complete Boxed set collect Slippery Curves is on sale right now!
Slippery Curves Complete Collection Boxed Set will not disappoint you! It is on sale right now for few days only for only $.99!! We would love it if you took the time to
share to your fans. If you provide links to the shares you'll be entered in a contest for a Hugh 60 piece a book from one of the events as well as author swag of pens, buttons, bands, signed cards book magnets, necklaces, and much more!

This giveaway is on my blog for proof of purchase I will match that giveaway exclusively for you guys just for sharing.  No proof of purchase necessary.  Plus if you want to sign up for a reviewer or a review we' love to have you!  Who couldn't use lots swag for your blog right??!

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                                            Slippery Curves Complete Collection Boxed Set

#FREEOnKU or #99CENTS A Curvy Girl meets an older Alpha who's worlds are totally different walk of life. #Climb into this Short #Romance and #FallInLove a #MUSTREAD!

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This is a new Boxed Set Complete Collection so check out the reviews in some of the books

-"Well written and well told with interesting storylines that are captivating from start to end. This is my first book by Adele Niles and it will not be my last. She has a wonderful writing style and fit a lot of story into her novella."

Reviewer-"I could easily feel the pull of attraction between these characters and I thought that their chemistry was smoky. With splashes of humor and a solid dose of heart, this is a very light and easy to read book"

Reviewer"-Fast paced short story that is well written. This sweet novella packs a lot of charm, chemistry and emotion keeping the reader engaged and invested in the characters"

Facebook “Like” Page - https://www.facebook.com/adelenilesauthor/
Adele's Heart's Hot Hideaway - https://www.facebook.com/groups/adeleshideaway/

If you would like to become a reviewer please fill out the form below Julia Summers Pa will be contacting you with your ARC.  Thank you so much in advance!

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Amazon Reviews http://amzn.to/2yLzVhC

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