Becoming an eBook Discovery Reviewer
To become an eBook Discovery Reviewer all you need is...
1. A love for ebooks.
2. A way to download and read ebooks on an eReader device, computer, phone, tablet or app.
3. The willingness to post an honest review at the eRetailer of your choice.
4. Time to read at least two ebooks a month (ebooks will be provided free of charge).
How the program works
1. Subscribe to eBook Discovery's Read & Review Club. There is no cost.
2. Within a few days, you will receive a special eZine in your email box. The eZine will contain books available to you to download for free in exchange for an honest review posted a major eRetailer of your choice. Future eZines will come weekly, via email, based upon your reading preferences.
3. Read the download book(s). If you don't care for the story and do not wish to finish the book, stop reading and see our FAQ page for next steps.
4. When you are finished reading the story, use the Read and Review Club easy-links found at the end of the story to post an honest review at the major ebook eRetailer of your choice.
5. Complete the 10-second survey, also located at the end of the story
6. Completing the survey enters you into eBook Discovery's monthly drawing for a $25 gift-card. The gift-cards can be used at 100's of stores.
Reviewing should be fun!
Reading and reviewing books has its own rewards—great stories feed the soul, honest reviews feed authors and engage new readers.
But we decided to add another benefit—monthly drawings!
Every follow-up survey completed inside of a given month enters you in our valuable gift-card drawing for that month.
Winners are contacted via email.
**For Authors Only**
Can't afford $400 review services? Sick of begging and pleading for readers to please review your book?
If your answer is yes, then the eBook Discovery Read & Review club may be for you.
What our Review club is NOT: a pay for review service. Our club members receive no compensation, except for a free copy of your book in exchange for an honest review
Please Note: Your paid fee does not buy book reviews. You are paying to reach a select group of avid readers who have self-identified as readers and reviewers of the genre (category) of your book.
What our Review Club is:
1. A simple and affordable way for authors to connect with a large group of avid readers who leave honest reviews.
2. A way for avid readers to acquire good books in exchange for an honest review.
3. We fully adhere to the highest ethical standards and remain in-line with Amazon's rules, regulations and terms of service (TOS).
Do eBook Discovery's Reviewers really review?
Yes. Readers who join our Club, but a)go one month without downloading a book for review or b)go two months without posting an honest review at the eRetailer of his/her choice are scrubbed from the Club list.
We want reliable readers who, in exchange for a free ebook, read & post honest reviews
How does the program work?
1. You pay one flat fee. We handle the rest.
2. A page is added to the back of your ebook that contains links to the major eRetailer where your book is listed. Club members use these easy-links to leave honest reviews.
3. We place your book and its corresponding download link in a special eZine and send to our Reviewers who have self-identified as readers & reviewers of your book's genre (category).
4. Readers have 5 days to download a copy of your book from our servers. Then the link expires. Available copies are also limited. This safeguards against any possibility of rampant downloads.
5. As an additional safeguard, all review copies sent by eBook Discovery to Read & Review Club Members are DRM watermarked.
The safety of your book is our highest priority.
Want to see how the Read & Review club works from the Readers' POV, visit our Read & Review Club website.
Book Requirements:
1. The eBook version of your book must be listed with at least two major eRetailers, or (for Amazon KU titles) be listed on Goodreads as well as Amazon.
2. You must have access to the .epub version of your book.
3. You must have a .jpg or .png of the book cover.
4. You must have a Paypal account.
To submit your title for consideration, complete this form.
What happens next?:
If your title is accepted for the Read & Review Club, we will contact you via email with additional instructions. You will also be asked to provide a .epub of your book, and a .jpg of your cover, at that time.
ON SALE: $35 Price will return to $75 when November openings are filled.
Please Note: eBook Discovery does not accept Poetry, Children's books, or Erotica.
All eBook Discovery decisions are final.
Genres You Choose to read and review:*:
Biography / Autobiography / Memoirs
Mystery: Cozy
Mystery: Series
Non-Fiction: Advice, How-To, Business
and Inspirational
Romance: Contemporary
Romance: Fantasy
Romance: Historical Western
Romance: Paranormal
Romance: Sweet Contemporary
Romance: Sweet Historical
Science Fiction
Teen and Young Adult
Thrillers: General
Thrillers: Police
Thrillers: Psychological
Thrillers: Series
Women's Fiction
I typically leave reviews at:*:
Barnes and Noble
Google Play
More Details, And Faqs Can be found here , plus the sign up form
Authors and Readers Sign Up here or For More Details